Monday, August 10, 2009

Yo Amy, what's that you're writing in?

Meet Junior, he's my mini-pocket-sized notebook I had initially started taking notes in while wandering through Berlin. I actually never planned for Junior to be my "it" booklet, in fact, it was by pure luck that I even had him in my backpack with me because I had only packed my laptop with me for this trip.
It was given to me by my friend, Stacy. At least, I think it was. And our relationship started out mutually, I was just going to use him as a phone number/email/quote book, and his size was perfect enough to not be a nuisance to carry around. Needless to say, the amount of notes I wanted to record in Berlin increasingly grew, leaving me to part ways with Junior and move onto something that can provide more for me. Hence, world, I now introduce you to...

I actually just purchased her from the Pergamon Museum yesterday, so she's pretty new, but so far we've managed to skip introductions and have jumped into the nitty gritty with no problems. In truth, I saw a beat up version of this at first, and I actually wanted that one because I liked how it seemed to have "character," but the cashier lady switched it up.

I've had an interesting history with writing journals. Like most angst-driven teens, I started keeping blogs and journals throughout middle school and high school, confessing candidly into these things, working my logic and emotions out as I pieced words together.
In high school, I got into poetry and spoken word, enjoying all of which came with writing poetry: playing around with the English language, breaking conventional grammar and rules and being able to reveal raw emotions. I started keeping a journal to record my (shitty) pieces in, and used it to inspire my idea for my senior project(incorporating spoken word into English classes to improve and increase student writing). By the end of high school, I had a cumulative of 4 journals. All gifts from teachers. All of which hinted towards or even encrypted with the notion for me to continue writing. It was thoughtful, but then I felt somewhat obligated, and at the same time, a little bit scared to have this laid upon me. By the time summer rolled around, I felt drained of my creative juices, uninspired and felt that I've had a healthy amount of angst-release. Since then, I've had a "dry spell" with my writing, and so for the most part, those pages have guiltily laid empty.

Buying this journal was a spur of the moment, and I've actually come to really enjoy it, --I think the whole ownership aspect of it gives me this sense of obligation and even a bit of pleasure to know that I, personally, have bought and am committing to writing in this, daily.

And while it's still fairly new, I think I will manage to build a history with it.

And, hopefully, by the end of this trip, perhaps Perg will inspire me to keep writing, prose and poetry, and I will finally have the courage to open those journal pages and start giving those empty pages the long overdue attention they need/deserve.

1 comment:

  1. 2 things:
    1) I bought you the green journal (and I think I gave Stacy one, too). Unless she copied me, which is likely.
    2) I ALMOST got you a journal for your trip, but figured you would think it was pressure from me for you to write. So I didn't, but I am happy you are writing and even happier that you are doing it for YOU. Well done!
